Report a bug
Do you think you found a bug?
Before you let us know, please make sure of the following;
You have the latest version of Advanced Views installed.
You are able to recreate the problem consistently.
You have reviewed the docs to see if it's not a feature.
If you are certain, after checking the above items then feel free to contact us. We'll try to fix it as soon as possible.
Minimum information
When reporting an issue, please provide the minimum information necessary for us to understand and address the problem effectively. Ensure that your description covers the following questions:
How can the issue be reproduced? (Step-by-step instructions)
What is the current behaviour observed when following these steps?
What is the expected behaviour instead?
For prompt and quality support, we highly recommend sending a debug dump to our support email.
Generate Debug dump (recommended)
To generate debug dump for our support team please follow these steps:
Visit the plugin Settings page.
On the General tab, Enable the 'Development mode' option and click on Save changes.
Try to reproduce the actions that caused the issue, while doing so, the logs will be updated.
Visit the Settings page and switch to the 'Debugging' tab.
Turn on the Generate debug dump checkbox (at the bottom).
Click Save changes to trigger the download with the report.
The Debug dump file does not contain any sensitive information.
However, we strongly advise you, don't share it publicly through a cloud storage or drive link in the support forum, as it contains details about your environment, the plugins in use and can be therefore be used for malice intent.
Last updated
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