Supported data vendors

Out-of-the-box, the Advanced Views Framework (AVF) supports over 130 field types from 5 different data vendors.

Note: Use the latest version of third-party plugins to avoid unexpected behaviour.

What does out-of-the-box support mean?

Out-of-the-box support in the Advanced Views Framework (AVF) means that it will automatically generate default markup for supported fields. During rendering, it will also automatically read data from the database, convert it to the correct format, and pass it to the template.

Advanced Views Framework doesn't put any limitations on the vendors listed below. You can pass any data, including data obtained from any API, to the template using the Custom Data feature.

Detailed list

1. WordPress

Supported field types (29)

1.1) Post

  • Title

  • Excerpt

  • Content

  • Featured Image

  • Author

  • Published date

  • Modified date

  • Attachment link (for WP attachments)

  • Attachment video (for WP attachments)

  • Dynamic: Terms (categories, tags, etc.) attached to the current post

  • Dynamic: Comments of the current post

1.2) User

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Display Name

  • Bio

  • Email

  • Author link

  • Website

1.3) Term

  • Name

  • Slug

  • Description

1.4) Comment

  • Author email

  • Author name

  • Content

  • Date

  • Status

  • Dynamic: userId

1.5) Menu

  • List of items

1.6) Menu item

  • Link

2. WooCoomerce plugin

WooCommerce Product is a Post Type, which means that in addition to the fields listed below, you can use any fields from the Post (Wordpress) group above. For example, the Product comments are the same as Post comments, and Product categories are the same as Post terms.

Supported field types (10)

  • Product gallery

  • Price

  • Regular price

  • Sale price

  • SKU

  • Stock status

  • Weight

  • Length

  • Width

  • Height

3. Advanced Custom Fields plugin

Advanced Views Framework supports all meta fields created by the Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) plugin.

Note: Some ACF field types aren't meta and only UI. For instance the "Message" field type doesn't have any value and the Advanced Views Framework therefore doesn't support it.

3.1) Supported fields types (36)

Besides the built-in ACF field types, we also support some extra field types, added by the plugins. You can find the whole list of the support fields types below. If the field type comes from an ACF addon, then it'll be marked in brackets.

Basic group

  • Text

  • Textarea

  • Number

  • Range

  • Email

  • Url

  • Password

Content group

  • Image

  • File

  • Wysiwyg

  • OEmbed

  • Gallery

Choice group

  • Select

  • Checkbox

  • Radio

  • Button Group

  • True/false

Relational group

  • Link

  • Post object

  • Page link

  • Relationship

  • Taxonomy

  • User

Advanced Group

Layout group

  • Repeater* Nested repeaters (repeater in repeater) are supported without limitations.

  • Group* Nested groups (group in group) are supported without limitations.

  • Flexible* Complex fields inside flexible layouts (like repeater or group) are supported without limitations.

  • Clone* Known limitations: clones with the active "prefixed names" option aren't supported.

  • Tab The field has no value, so it is not present in the markup. It is useful only if you use Gutenberg blocks and want this field to be included in the created block.

*Supported in the Advanced Views Framework: Pro Edition only.

3.2) Supported field sources

The Advanced Views Framework supports all ACF fields sources. Changing View shortcode arguments, you can load fields from posts, option pages, user profiles, terms, comments and menus.

4. Meta Box plugin

The Advanced Views Framework supports all meta fields created by the Meta Box plugin excluding the 3 following:

  • Fieldset Text

  • Text List

  • Key value

Note: Some Meta Box field types aren't meta and only UI. For instance the "Tab" field type doesn't have any value and Advanced Views therefore doesn't support it.

4.1) Supported field types (43)

You can find the whole list of the support fields types below:

Basic group

  • Checkbox

  • Checkbox list

  • Radio

  • Select

  • Text

  • Textarea

Advanced group

  • Autocomplete

  • Background

  • Button group

  • Color

  • Date

  • Datetime

  • Map

  • Hidden

  • Icon

  • Image select

  • oEmbed

  • OSM (OpenStreetMap)

  • Password

  • Select advanced

  • Slider

  • Switch

  • Time

  • Wysiwyg

HTML5 group

  • Email

  • Number

  • Range

  • Select


  • Post

  • Sidebar

  • Taxonomy

  • Taxonomy advanced

  • User


  • File

  • File advanced

  • File input

  • File upload

  • Image

  • Image advanced

  • Image upload

  • Single image

  • Video

Layout group

  • Group* Supported in Advanced Views Framework: Pro Edition only.

3.3) Supported field sources

The Advanced Views Framework supports all Meta fields sources. Changing View shortcode arguments, you can load fields from posts, options pages, user profiles, terms and comments.

3.4) Repeatable feature

Meta Box doesn't have the repeater field type, but has the repeatable setting that can be enabled on any field. Advanced Views Framework supports the repeatable feature in the Pro version.

Tip: Using the Group field type with the repeatable setting you can have the same experience as using the ACF Repeater field.

5. Pods plugin

The Advanced Views Framework supports all meta fields created by the Pods plugin.

Note: Some Pods field types aren't meta and only UI. For instance the "Layout Heading" field type doesn't have any value and Advanced Views therefore doesn't support it.

5.1) Supported field types (18)

You can find the whole list of the support fields types below:

Text group

  • Plain text

  • Website

  • Phone

  • E-mail

  • Password

Paragraph group

  • Plain Paragraph Text

  • Wysiwyg (Visual Editor)

  • Code (Syntax highlight)

Date/time group

  • Date / time

  • Date

  • Time


  • Plain number

  • Currency

Relationship/media group

  • File/image/video

  • oEmbed

  • Relationship Known limitation: Comments and Navigation menu options in the Related Type setting aren't supported.

Other group

  • Yes/no

  • Color picker

3.2) Supported field sources

The Advanced Views Framework supports all Pods fields sources. Changing View shortcode arguments, you can load fields from posts, option pages, user profiles, terms, and comments.

3.3) Repeatable feature

Pods doesn't have the repeater field type, but has the repeatable setting that can be enabled on any plain field (that doesn't have the multiple option). Advanced Views supports the repeatable feature in the Pro version.

Last updated