Taxonomy Filters (Pro)

Categories, tags, products categories and formats are some of the more commonly known taxonomies. Use this feature to show a set of posts for a specific taxonomy.

How to use it

Create a Card and assign a View as usual. (See Creating Your First Card).

Switch to the Taxonomy Filters tab.

Click on the Add Rule button.

Click on the Add Taxonomy button.

In the Taxonomy dropdown, select which taxonomy you want to use.

For the Comparison field, select how you would like to compare the taxonomy.

Then select Term from the dropdown that will be used for comparison.

Click Update to save your Card.

Note: adding another Rule will create a relation to control how taxonomy rules will be joined within the taxonomy query.

Note: Do you want to customize a query (WP_Query) that is used to get posts for a Card, but the option is missing in the UI? You can do this using our filters. Read more here

Last updated