
1. Theme "Text Domain" requirement

AVF utilizes WordPress's built-in multilingual capabilities, and in order to translate strings within Views and Cards, your theme must define the "Text Domain" in the theme's style.css file.

If you are using a pre-built theme, no action is required on your part. However, if you are using a custom theme or a custom child theme, open the style.css file in the root folder and ensure that the "Text Domain" is defined in the header. If it is missing, add it in the format "Text Domain: x," where x can be your own name (with dashes as delimiters) or the same value as your parent theme.

2. Single View and Card for different languages

Advanced Views uses the built-in WordPress translation function __('field label', 'yourThemeTextDomain') for all View and Card labels. This allows you to translate labels seamlessly using your preferred multilingual plugin, eliminating the need for creating a separate View or Card for every language.

'yourThemeTextDomain' will be picked up automatically, based on the Text Domain defined in the heading of the style.css file of your current theme.

While the multilingual string translation works out-of-the-box, by default, there is no 'labels list' in your theme, and your translation tool will require 'registering/entering' each string manually. See the next chapter to enable automatic strings detection.

3. Automatic strings detection (in your translation tool)

While the multilingual string translation works out-of-the-box, by default, there is no 'labels list' in your theme, and your translation tool will require 'registering/entering' each string manually.

To streamline this process, you can active the File system storage. When enabled, during View and Card saving process, the Advanced Views Framework will automatically deposit the labels into special files. It enables the use of the 'scan' feature in your translation tool, automatically loading all labels for efficient translation.

4. Translate labels within templates

Multilingual capabilities extend to the Twig and Blade templates as well.

4.1) Blade

Blade allows you to call any PHP functions, so you can translate any string by calling the WordPress translate (__) function, as you would do it usually:

{{ __("my-string", "yourThemeTextDomain") }}

4.2) Twig (Pro)

To translate labels within your Twig template, employ our translation function or filter.

Upon saving a View or Card, the Advanced Views Framework will scan of all these translation calls and interact with them in the same manner, like with the labels from the UI, described above.

Last updated

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