Demo Import
Import Demo to get started in seconds.
Last updated
Import Demo to get started in seconds.
Last updated
Whether you're new to Advanced Views or you just want to get the basic setup quickly then this tool will help you with the following scenarios:
Create 'draft' pages for Samsung Galaxy A53, Nokia X20 and Xiaomi 12T.
Create an ACF Field Group called Phone with location set to those pages.
Add a View called Phone with fields assigned from the Phone Field Group.
Fill each page’s ACF fields with text and add the View shortcode to the page content.
Create a 'draft' page called Article about Samsung.
Add the View shortcode to the page content with "object-id" argument to Samsung Galaxy A53.
Add a Card for List of Phones with View Phone assigned and filtered to.
Create a 'draft' page called Most popular phones in 2022 and add the Card shortcode to the page content.
Press the Import demo now button and wait a few seconds.
Note: When the process has completed, you'll see links to all the items for quick editing.