Creating Your First View

Use a View item to display fields for a specific post/page or Custom Post Type item.

Step by step guide

Visit the Advanced Views Framework tab in the WordPress backend.

Create a New View

Click the Add New button to add a new View.

Enter a Name for your View (required).

Note: If you don't give your View a Name then you can't publish your View and the publish button will be disabled.

Parent group

If you plan on using a single Field Group, then make use of the Parent group field. Additionally use the Parent group and Parent field for Nested Repeaters.

Assign Fields

Click the Add Field button in the Fields section.

Then select the target Group from the list and the Field from the dropdown.

Continue to Add Fields until they've all been assigned.

Publish your View

Click on the Publish button to save and publish your View.

Copy Shortcode into place

Copy the shortcode of your View from the sidebar.

Paste the shortcode in your post, page or theme section.

Fill out the fields as required, then click the Publish button to save.

Visit the page containing the shortcode to see the results.

Learn more about the Views shortcode parameters.

Last updated